Civic design bibliography

Designing web sites for older adults: expert review of usability for older adults at 50 web sites

Why the article is helpful

  • Heuristics for the older user focused on usability and performance issues when using websites
  • Provides guidance to designers and developers of websites who have older adults in their audiences
  • Expert review of 50 websites


The authors outlined heuristics for the older user, age 50 and up, focused on usability and performance issues when using websites. They also compiled an expert review of 50 website from travel and shopping sites, to health insurance and financial planning sites. They found a wide variance in the population’s abilities and skills, also large inconsistencies in the way websites were produced and managed.


Links to article


Chisnell, D., & Redish, J. (2005). Designing web sites for older adults: Expert review of usability for older adults at 50 web sites (Vol. 1, pp. 1-60). AARP.