Civic design bibliography

Cognitive function and assistive technology for cognition: a systematic review

Why the article is helpful

  • Reviewed existing ATC in terms of cognitive function
  • Introduced a new classification of ATC
  • Identified areas for future ATC research and development


The authors examined the relationship between assistive technology for cognition (ATC) and cognitive function by reviewing existing publications and studies. The review made three large contributions: (1) it reviewed existing ATC in terms of cognitive function, thus providing a framework for ATC prescription on the basis of a profile of cognitive deficits, (2) it introduced a new classification of ATC based on cognitive function, and (3) it identified areas for future ATC research and development.


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Gillespie, A., Best, C., & O’Neill, B. (2012). Cognitive function and assistive technology for cognition: A systematic review. Journal Of The International Neuropsychological Society, 18(1), 1-19. doi:10.1017/S1355617711001548